
Ultra-TB is a concentrated liquid supplement designed as an anti-mycotoxin premix for feed additives, enhancing gut health, improving feed efficiency, and boosting overall immune function in livestock. The inclusion of organic acids and yeast derivatives works synergistically to bind and neutralize mycotoxins, reducing their harmful effects on animals. Additionally, Ultra-TB lowers the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits pathogenic bacteria, and promotes beneficial microflora, making it especially effective in poultry, swine, and ruminants during critical growth stages, stress periods, and times of increased pathogen exposure.
⦁ Anti-Mycotoxin Action: Binds and neutralizes harmful mycotoxins in feed, reducing their absorption and impact on animal health.
Gut Health: Lowers intestinal pH to create an unfavorable environment for harmful bacteria while promoting beneficial microbial growth.
⦁ Immune Enhancement: Beta-Glucans and Mannan Oligosaccharides (MOS) support the animal’s natural immune defenses.
⦁ Feed Efficiency: Improves digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to better feed conversion and growth rates.
⦁ Pathogen Control: The combination of organic acids helps to control bacterial and fungal pathogens, reducing the incidence of gut infections.
Package Sizes:
⦁ 250 ml
⦁ 500 ml
⦁ 1 Liter
⦁ 25 liters
⦁ 200 liters
⦁ 1000 liters

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