About Us

learn about our history

About Us


zamex is
a family

Zamex is a veterinary pharmaceutical company based in the UK, established in 2020 and headquartered in London. We specialize in providing high-quality veterinary solutions for livestock, poultry, and pets. Our extensive product range includes feed additives, antibiotics, disinfectants, aquaculture products, and specialized formulations for companion animals.

We are committed to enhancing animal health and well-being on a global scale. In January 2024, we proudly acquired Daichenberg, further strengthening our market position and expanding our product offerings.

As a VAT-registered company, Zamex ensures compliance with financial regulations, reinforcing our dedication to transparency and trustworthiness in all our business dealings.

Core Values

"The veterinarian's oath includes the promise 'to protect animal health and welfare, prevent and relieve animal suffering.' It is a noble profession that demands a selfless commitment to serving the needs of animals."

AVMA President Tom Meyer

remember the past

Since 2020

Zamex is a UK-based veterinary pharmaceutical company, founded in 2020 and headquartered in London. we specialize in delivering high-quality veterinary solutions across the livestock, poultry, and pet sectors. Our extensive product portfolio includes feed additives, antibiotics, disinfectants, aquaculture products, and specialized formulations for companion animals.

Zamex is dedicated to enhancing animal health and well-being globally. In January 2024, we proudly acquired Daichenberg, further strengthening our market position and broadening our product offerings.

Zamex is a VAT-registered company, further ensuring compliance with financial regulations and reinforcing our commitment to transparency and trustworthiness in all our business dealings.

communication is key

personal service

making a start

Zamex is a pioneering veterinary pharmaceutical company based in the UK, founded in 2020 and headquartered in London. Our mission is to revolutionize animal healthcare by providing innovative solutions for livestock, poultry, and pets. We offer a wide range of products, including feed additives, antibiotics, disinfectants, aquaculture products, and specialized formulations for companion animals.

In January 2024, we expanded our capabilities by acquiring Daichenberg, enhancing our market presence and diversifying our product portfolio. This acquisition underscores our commitment to growth and excellence in the veterinary pharmaceutical industry.

As a VAT-registered company, Zamex upholds stringent financial regulations, ensuring transparency and trust in all our business practices.

get to know each other

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understanding your rights

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determining your goals

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client satisfaction
Accepted Cases
Success Rate

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

We are always partners in success.

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

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