
HortiSan™ is a high-performance disinfectant specifically formulated for comprehensive biosecurity in horticulture. It is independently tested and approved for sterilizing horticultural and fruit-growing facilities, including greenhouses, equipment, and transport containers. HortiSan™ is suitable for use in greenhouses cultivating tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, and a wide range of other fruits and vegetables.
• Broad Spectrum Activity: Effectively combats a wide range of plant pathogens, including PSVd, pepino mosaic virus, verticillium disorders, and pseudomonas.
• No Re-Entry Restrictions: Safe to use on hard surfaces without requiring a waiting period before re-entry.
• Cost-Effective: Designed for economical use with effective application rates.
• Good Wetting Agent: Ensures thorough coverage and penetration on all treated surfaces.
• Long Residual Action: Provides extended protection, reducing the need for frequent reapplications.
• Biodegradable: Environmentally friendly formulation that breaks down naturally, minimizing ecological impact.
Package Sizes:
• 5 liters
• 25 liters
• 200 liters
• 1000 liters

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